Make Sure You Follow the Law

There are strict formalities that must be adhered to in order for a court to validate a will.  In recent Louisiana cases, wills were held invalid.  A few requirements include: a) either hand written or typed and signed in front of a notary and 2 witnesses; b) signed and dated on the bottom of each page; and c) contain a proper attestation clause.

When do you need to draw up a will?

NOW!  If you die without a valid will, the state determines how your assets will transferred.  To ensure your wishes are met, call Broussard Dove today to draft your will.

The lawyers at Broussard Dove can get your affairs in order and help break down everything you need to know and do to create your will.

By Published On: September 12th, 2018Categories: Estate PlanningComments Off on Creating Wills

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