“Broussard Dove Was Referred To Me Because They Aren’t Afraid To Get Involved In A Case And FIGHT. They Give It Their All. That’s Exactly What I Was Looking For And Found At Broussard Dove.”
– Satisfied Hurricane Claim Client
Millions recovered for business owners and home owners from property damage insurance claims!
We don’t just tell you your rights under your insurance policy. WE DEMAND THEM from your insuance company!
Stay Informed. | Demand Your Rights.
We offer Aggressive, Relentless Representation.
We will front all costs. If no new money is recovered, you are not responsible for attorney’s fees or costs! We will aggressively pursue every dollar you are entitled to from your claim and hold the insurance company accountable if they have acted in bad faith. Most states allow for the recovery of bad faith penalties and attorney’s fees if the insurance company has acted in bad faith. While we cannot guarantee results, most of our claims settle where the insurance company is responsible for paying bad faith penalties and attorney’s fees (if allowed by state law).
The aftermath of a disaster can push many people over the edge. We know. We’ve been there. Our homes and law firm sustained major damage from Hurricane Ida. Before that, we have handled property damage claims resulting from hurricanes and hail storms for over 14 years assisting contractors, homeowners, and commercial clients.
We will take the time to review your policy and provide competent, cost-effective representation. You will never pay attorneys’ fees if we cannot increase the amount of money you get from your claim.
We tailor our compensation based upon your situation. Our goal is to put the money in your pocket you need to fix your home or business.
Others have trusted us for years. We have recovered millions for our clients.
Let us fight for you!
Some Recent Hurricane Settlements Include:
$6,000,000 settlement for a hotel (Insurance initially offered $193,000)
$3,000,000 policy limits on a 4-story commercial building (Insurance attempted to settle the claim for $1M)
$2,400,000 commercial claim (Insurance attempted to deny the entire claim)
$1,360,000 commercial claim (Insurance offered $395,000 to client)
$750,000 commercial claim (Insurance offered $300,000 to client)
$558,000 residential claim (Insurance offered $132,000 to client)
$425,000 residential claim (Insurance offered $144,000 to client)

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