lists five things you should know before starting a new business:
Own your name.
Make sure the company name you hoose is one with an available trademark and Internet domain name.
Get in with the law.
Understand what regulations, licenses and taxes you will need to follow, obtain and pay for your new business. After doing some initial research on your own, consult with a lawyer and accountant to confirm your understanding and to help structure your business to be in compliance with the law.
How much do you need to live?
When working on your business plan, do not forget about the most important factor: YOU. You need to take into account your living costs. Rent, mortgages, and health insurance — these are all things that don’t pay for themselves.
Where are you in your life?
Starting a new business takes brains, bravery, and what will seem to be endless hours of hard work. When you own your own company, there is always something that has to get done.
Don’t over — or under — spend.
Starting a business can be incredibly financially taxing on you and your family. You will need to learn where and when to spend.
Important Must Do’s When Starting a Business
- Establish a good relationship with your co-owners.
- Establish financing.
- Put together an executive team.
- Carefully write up employment contracts as well as contracts for the goods or services you will be providing.
- Decide on a corporate structure.
There are a lot of challenges and risks when starting a business. Make this the road to success a lot easier by having an experienced and well-trained attorney, such as the professionals at Broussard Dove Law.